"Yes! His mad project IS taking off!"
"I have worked for many years on this project in celebration of the Swiss Confederation. The first part is just a series of 24 rather "kiddult" multi-lingual songs based on the Swiss cantonal heraldry - their languages, traditions, humour and culture. I have had encouraging support, primarily from Elisabeth Butty (former Director of "Institut La Gruyère") and later from Raoul Blanchard (present "Conservateur du Château de Gruyères") and from Wolfgang Amadeus Bruelhart (former Cultural Counsellor at the Swiss Embassy in London). So this enthusiasm motivated me to produce sketches for each of my lyrics in the style of comic-strip, each one ending with a drawing that shows the main aim of the ambitious project - to produce a large and beautiful bell/sculpture for each Swiss canton."
Click here or on the button to see
Switzerland as a clock!
The latest brochure is available to potential sponsors, collaborators & publishers. The project is still in search of funding, but Philippe Clément (Manager of "Éditions Gruériennes")...
...is now intending to produce a brochure to be used in search of collaborators, eventually updated in comic-book style, and Christian Bussard (Mayor of the Commune de Gruyères)...
...is now working hard on the idea of re-cobbling the whole village, updating the lighting, footpaths. etc., so Patrick's bell/sculpture entitled "Label Poya" - a linguistic play on words relating to cows finding their own paradise - is included in the project and in fact the bell system is already being worked on by staff and students at the "Collège des Ingénieurs" (Fribourg).
"The Bellman Förpeth" - a drawing for the project "The Hunting of the Snark" in collaboration with Mike Batt.
"The local journalist Pierre Gremaud referred to my idea as "le projet fou" so Marianna Gawrysiak, the psychiatrist in charge of the centre "Le Vide-Poches" at Marsens...
...chose "The Bellman Förpeth" as the poster for my exhibition."
Click here or on the title to see every Swiss Canton!
If you need any information - as a potential sponsor or collaborator - then please contact:
Route de la Faye 18, CH - 1762 GIVISIEZ, SWITZERLAND
Tel: 0041 79 230 30 58 or 0041 26 466 44 66
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