

...And now we are left with the work, sprawling across a lifetime. It’s interesting to see where he fits into both the grand and humble schemes of things. He was a contemporary of John Lennon, Bruce Lee, Cliff Richard, and Raquel Welch. He began writing The Pentateuch during the long hot summer of 1976, while Concorde started to boom in the sky above his attic studio. Artists don’t just exist in some lofty parallel world where only art happens. I can remember him standing by the dodgems in 1970, smoking his pipe while Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep blared through the sparking, crackling mesh in the ceiling, and the siren skirled.

He liked digestive biscuits. He was bitten by a dog. He rode a bike. He painted some pictures. Here they are.

Daniel James Woodroffe 2019


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